Thursday, September 26, 2013

Three More Months

It still seems surreal to me that in three months I will be taking off to live in another country for a year. Everyone asks me if I'm excited, and while I am completely thrilled, it still hasn't quite hit me yet. I've been trying to keep my head in the present and just make the most out of these next couple of months. I get pretty sad when I think about leaving all of my friends behind for a whole year, but that goes without thinking of the new friends I will make over the upcoming year. When I look back to freshman year of college I remember how I went in knowing only a few people and within a few months I had an entirely new group of strangers who became my new family. I'm hoping that I find something like that.I've never been away from home longer than a few months without seeing my family so I think that's what makes me most anxious, but with today's technology I can imagine that it will be less difficult if I can have a face to face, or screen to screen, conversation with them. Video chatting will make it easier to stay in touch with my friends as well, though I think it may also make me miss them more. Until I leave I have no reason to give any of this stuff more than a moment of thought. I'm going to carry on keeping busy with work and spending time with my friends, roommates, and my family. For now, the only thought that will consume me will be what I should be for Halloween this year....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Africa Internship and Journey

I am so excited to share with you that I have been selected for an internship in South Africa! The internship will be for 13 months at the Rockland's Centre as a member of the Solid Ground team. Rockland's Centre is located on the eastern side of the Cape peninsula in Simon's Town, South Africa. While I am abroad I will be working with a new group of children each week. During the weeks we will be doing all sorts of activities such as; rock climbing, hiking, swimming, archery, tomahawking, and gaining a closer relationship to God.

I have visited South Africa once before in January of 2012 as a part of the Africa Jam program. With Africa Jam I traveled with a group that toured townships, spent time with children and teens living in poverty, and spent time at Rockland's Centre for a week-long faith based camp. In my short time I spent there I grew so much, not only as a person, but spiritually as well. I am more than excited to see the person I become after spending over a year in another country and becoming a part of another culture.

I am looking for sponsors for my trip, as the internship is volunteer and not paid. Any amount would be greatly appreciated!  Volunteers work very hard under all sorts of conditions, and unless they’re able to find sponsors, they pay all of their own expenses. I will be leaving December 2013 and won't return back to Minnesota until January 2015.

I will be keeping a blog throughout my time spent away so that I can share this adventure with you. I would love to send you postcards or letters in order to keep you updated if you prefer a more traditional communication.

If you are interested in helping sponsor me, you can donate using the pay pal button on this blog (below and to the right), or you can mail your donation to my home address below.  For more information on the Rockland's Centre, visit:

Thank you and I look forward to sharing my journey with you. 


Home address:  c/o Paul & Doreen McGinty - 36953 657th Avenue; Watkins, MN  55389