Some days when I look out my window overlooking the ocean it's clear and I can see the mountains in the distance very clearly. Other days there aren't any mountains in the distance and it seems like the ocean goes on infinitely. Every day I look out the same window but I never see the same view. Some days the sky is a shade of blue that even Crayola couldn't capture, and others it's filled with clouds that you could spend hours finding shapes in. Some days the ocean is calm and looks as if you could slide across it in a pair of socks like you would on a wood floor, but most days it's wavy and white capped. When the sun sets it takes away every passing thought and consumes you with the notion that must be what Heaven looks like.
After the sun and the moon cross paths and give each other their greetings you're presented with the night. When you look up from where there was once a landscape you find yourself lost in galaxies that can only shine in the dark. You can touch the ocean, the mountains, and the natural beauty earth offers, but you can't touch the night. You can't reach out and touch the stars. And isn't it what we can have that we always want the most. I want to hold on to all the beautiful things I see. The things that make me feel a kind of peace that I can't control. I want to keep the feeling I get every time I look up at a clear starry sky, but every time I let the feeling go I lose it until it comes back to me on it's own.
I want to keep my friendships in moments. I want to remember things like in The Butterfly Effect. I want to resurface a moment in time physically and do things differently. But isn't that what we all want? I don't want to go back and change anything drastically, but what I really wish I was capable of is going back to the moments where I had the perfect opportunity to tell someone how much they mean to me. Remind my friends that I love them; say it to their face and have it be genuine and not a casual "oh I love ya". It makes me sort of confused-angry that it's "weird" or an "uncomfortable" thing to tell someone how much they mean to you. I don't ever want to go on again wishing that I would have said something when I had the chance. I don't expect to live a life with no regrets... That's not realistic. If you don't have experiences you regret then how will you ever learn anything? But one thing I am done regretting is not telling my loved ones all the silly random things that make them important to me.
We lost a member of our UND family this week. To some he was apart of the Lakeville family. But ultimately he was apart of the Heisler family. I've known Matt since Century Middle School, but we didn't cross paths and become friends until college. Matt was many things but mainly he was a loyal friend. He could make you laugh. He was willing to make a fool of himself to make your day. He radiated good vibes and smiles. He could bring people together, and even in his death he is bringing people together and filling rooms with smiles and laughter from his memory alone. Losing Matt has been eye opening, shocking, and heartbreaking for so many people. It isn't right. You're not suppose to die when you're 21. You're just not. Death is not suppose to hit close to home. We're surrounded by it, aside from celebrity gossip, death and tragedies seem to be the only things getting recognition on the news. We see it so often that people have become disrespectful to those mourning and gawk as if they're driving by a fender bender on the highway. It isn't until you are within the mourning circle that you realize how messed up it all really is. We must learn to respect the privacy and mourning of the families and close friends of those who have lost someone.
It's not fair how it's always the kindest people who are taken from us. It doesn't seem right considering how many rotten souls there are in the world. Mitch Albom said, "Fairness, does not govern life and death, if it did, no good person would ever die young." It's something that will never be understood, and I don't think understanding would make the feeling any better any way. When we're in pain we look so quickly to place blame rather than look at what God is really trying to show us. God is showing us that we are not infinite, we take our loved ones for granted, and life isn't meant to be fair. We only get a short time on earth, but we get an eternity in heaven. In that light, it seems so childish to spend our lives letting negative emotions consume us while all of our fallen watch down shaking their heads at our behavior.
Every day as I look out the same window, and see a different view, I am reminded to cherish the small moments that may seem meaningless, because when you look back, it's the small stuff that is actually what you hold on to. And every night as I look up at the countless number of stars I am reminded how small I really am in this universe, which makes holding on to negativity seem pretty silly. We have to remember to close our eyes, clear our hearts, and let the bad stuff go. It shouldn't take losing someone to realize and remember these things. As the great Ferris Bueller said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."
RIP Matt Heisler
You will be greatly missed.
We love you.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Some Things I Miss
I have been away from home now for 72 days, and as I am nearly midway through month 3 I thought I would share some things I miss most from back home.
My family
Seriously it's amazing how much I miss my family.... And I'm still talking to them pretty much every day. I've been sick the past week and there's nothing I wanted more than to be lying on the couch, yelling at my mom that I don't feel good, have her respond with "I'm sorry honey what can I do to help", and me yell back "I DON'T KNOW". I miss my dad making fun of me for still being a diehard Spongebob Squarepants fan. I miss chilling on the couch with Donny watching movies that we just sit and quote the entire time. I miss going out with PJ and wrestling in the middle of his frat house, while genuinely concerned people who don't know we're siblings, wonder why no one is stopping us. I miss the comfortable chaos that is my family.
My friends
It is mind boggling. I know I love my friends, like duh, but I never realized how much I would miss the random stuff that I never would have thought made a difference. It's hard going anywhere without them because seriously I have the coolest friends. You can't even argue it because I know I'm right. The thing is that I never knew how completely insane we all actually are until I didn't have them by my side... Suddenly I'm this weird ass american girl who partakes in random dancing, burps like a lumberjack, and comes with a singing commentary of everything I do... To name a few talents. I was driving with my roommate and his friend and I saw some people walking on the sidewalk so naturally I screamed "I LOVE PICKLES!!!" At them.... And no one laughed. I was so confused. What I miss most is the days where we all congregate to one of our beds and make/order a buffet that could feed a small country and have a movie marathon or watch britains got talent auditions for five hours.

I miss eating a whole pizza and then not being judged for still wanting a McChicken with cheese on it. I can't wait until I reunite with these goons again because not sharing every amazing thing I get to do with them is the hardest.
Mountain Dew
My life without this sweet nectar is so incomplete. I have no clue what to do with the morning monster that is myself without a cold can of Mountain Dew. To avoid being corrected there actually is Mountain Dew in South Africa but it tastes like flat mellow yellow and if you're a real Dew-er then I need no further explanation on why I wouldn't let it anywhere near my precious taste buds.
Taco Bell

I probably talk about Taco Bell on a daily basis. I dream of rolling hills of fiesta potatoes with flowing waterfalls of nacho cheese and sour cream snowcaps. I get goosebumps when I relive the memory of feeling so full I actually unbutton my pants. I yearn for the instant regret and self shaming that comes with subtly searching for a missed nacho chip as you jam the last wrapper into the bag. I can not wait to break through those doors only to be welcomed by smells of questionable beef and grease. Taco Bell I miss you more and more each and every day.
Not having an accent

My family
Seriously it's amazing how much I miss my family.... And I'm still talking to them pretty much every day. I've been sick the past week and there's nothing I wanted more than to be lying on the couch, yelling at my mom that I don't feel good, have her respond with "I'm sorry honey what can I do to help", and me yell back "I DON'T KNOW". I miss my dad making fun of me for still being a diehard Spongebob Squarepants fan. I miss chilling on the couch with Donny watching movies that we just sit and quote the entire time. I miss going out with PJ and wrestling in the middle of his frat house, while genuinely concerned people who don't know we're siblings, wonder why no one is stopping us. I miss the comfortable chaos that is my family.
My friends
It is mind boggling. I know I love my friends, like duh, but I never realized how much I would miss the random stuff that I never would have thought made a difference. It's hard going anywhere without them because seriously I have the coolest friends. You can't even argue it because I know I'm right. The thing is that I never knew how completely insane we all actually are until I didn't have them by my side... Suddenly I'm this weird ass american girl who partakes in random dancing, burps like a lumberjack, and comes with a singing commentary of everything I do... To name a few talents. I was driving with my roommate and his friend and I saw some people walking on the sidewalk so naturally I screamed "I LOVE PICKLES!!!" At them.... And no one laughed. I was so confused. What I miss most is the days where we all congregate to one of our beds and make/order a buffet that could feed a small country and have a movie marathon or watch britains got talent auditions for five hours.
I miss eating a whole pizza and then not being judged for still wanting a McChicken with cheese on it. I can't wait until I reunite with these goons again because not sharing every amazing thing I get to do with them is the hardest.
Mountain Dew
My life without this sweet nectar is so incomplete. I have no clue what to do with the morning monster that is myself without a cold can of Mountain Dew. To avoid being corrected there actually is Mountain Dew in South Africa but it tastes like flat mellow yellow and if you're a real Dew-er then I need no further explanation on why I wouldn't let it anywhere near my precious taste buds.
Taco Bell
I probably talk about Taco Bell on a daily basis. I dream of rolling hills of fiesta potatoes with flowing waterfalls of nacho cheese and sour cream snowcaps. I get goosebumps when I relive the memory of feeling so full I actually unbutton my pants. I yearn for the instant regret and self shaming that comes with subtly searching for a missed nacho chip as you jam the last wrapper into the bag. I can not wait to break through those doors only to be welcomed by smells of questionable beef and grease. Taco Bell I miss you more and more each and every day.
Not having an accent
Dear Barbara how much I cannot wait to not be called out for sounding different. Ask me to say water one more time. It has become one of my more favorite things to tell people that I was actually born and raised in Cape Town and watch them get confused. Yes I'm from America. No I do not know Justin Bieber. No I do not know Miley Cyrus. No I don't know your friend's cousin's sister's friend who went to America on holiday in 1873. At the same time I do enjoy being the foreigner so I'm just complaining for kicks.
Other things I miss that I'm too lazy to go into detail about:
Flavored Greek yogurt---- it was hard enough finding actual Greek yogurt
My bed--- I cannot wait to collapse onto that cloud I use to sleep on each night
Savers--- I miss my favorite store. I suppose I can handle a year without though.
My lava lamp-- I count the moments until I can fall under my lava lamp hypnosis
Netflix--- 'Sorry netflix isn't available in this part of the world yet'
Huge gluten free selections-- it's like being GF before the millennium all over again
Teresa's Mexican Restaurant-- I plan to comsume the entire menu when in return
Not wearing pants--- unfortunately not everyone is as comfortable with undies as I
That's all for now folks!
That's all for now folks!
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