Monday, January 27, 2014


Hey guys!

I spent my weekend hosting my first camp with another intern, Tarryn. It was a lot of fun but not overwhelming for us because we totally lucked out and got a group that had been coming for quite some time now and one of the leaders was actually a former intern here at Rockland's. The main leader was Janet, if you don't remember she was the woman I stayed with in Fish Hoek for a few days, who is also a trustee and has been around for 25 years. So it's safe to says that this camp knew the ropes quite well. Sunday I got locked in the bathroom. I got out of the shower to find that the door handle broke from inside the door and we had to drill out the window. I felt like I was escaping from prison so it was pretty cool. It gave us all a good laugh.

We've continued our training and start programming this week which means that we will lead campers in assorted activities throughout the day like the climbing wall, drumming, the initiatives course, archery, tomahawking, etc. Today we went out with the campers to the initiatives course and watch as they worked together to complete all of the obstacles together. Tonight we took them up the mountain trail for a night hike. It went pretty well. Only one camper twisted her ankle but aside from that it was a good time. I saw a few different spiders and some hissing cockroaches (at least I think that's what they were).

On an ending note I found ketchup! If you know my family you should know that ketchup may as we'll be its own food group. I finally spotted it at the grocery store and actually dropped to my knees and hugged the bottle of ketchup. Tarryn was with me and she stood there looking at me like I was completely insane and kept telling me to get off the ground. Eventually, I got up.... But only to sprint to the check out counter. All around it has been a pretty good week!


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